Log for Teacher Reflection on their Agency for Change (TRAC)


About TRAC tool

Teacher Reflection on their Agency for Change (TRAC) tool is designed to help teachers reflect on how they use their social networks to achieve the goals that matter to them. Teachers can use TRAC in their professional inquiry projects free of charge. At the same time they help enhance knowledge about professional communities, by agreeing for their log data to be used for research purposes

Why is this important?

Inclusive communities are vital for both cognitive and affective outcomes in education, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, but they are also important in themselves for learning to be and thrive together in our increasingly diverse schools and societies.

Our research aims to understand how teachers interact with others create and sustain inclusive learning communities, real or virtual, both for change towards addressing complex global challenges in education such as inequality, and for maintaining continuity of learning during crisis. For example, under Covid educators showed a great deal of ingenuity in sustaining relationships, and supporting students remotely, involving families and various services, or forming on-line groups on social media platforms. The crisis reminded us that people, rather than physical buildings make learning communities.

What does TRAC look like?

The on-line log has three sections in which teachers reflect on a situation in which they sought support:

  1. WHAT they were trying to do or what kind of issue they were trying to address?
  2. WHO were the people they sought to involve and how?
  3. WHY they did or did not manage to do what they sought to do?

The aim is to enable teachers to report their experience in their own terms – in other words, how they see the aims, contexts and outcomes of their agency for change.

To see what TRAC tool looks like you can register here and fill out a demo version yourself or ask potential users to help you adapt the log for your own research or professional inquiry project.

TRAC is particularly well suited for collaborative projects designed and implemented together by schools and researchers. Schools and teachers can receive research-based feedback for their professional development. For more information please see this short video:

How to use TRAC in research?

TRAC has been used in interdisciplinary research projects that combine social and data-scientific approaches for visualising and analysing communities as networks of moment-to-moment interactions that become more stable relationships over time. Read more.

More on methodology and its potential for understanding teacher agency for change in this paper:

Pantić, N., Galey S., Florian, L., Joksimović, S. Viry, G., Gašević, D., H. K. Nyqvist, Kiritsi, K. (2021) Making Sense of Teacher Agency with Social and Epistemic Network Analysis, Journal of Educational Change. DOI: 10.1007/s10833-021-09413-7

How to use TRAC in professional development?

The log can be used in individual and whole-school professional development as well as in research. For example teachers can use TRAC in their professional inquiry projects to keep track of their own or their colleagues’ professional reflection around particular aspects of practice. You can read more and see an example of such usage in this paper:

Pantić, N. (2021). Tool for Teacher Reflection on their Agency for Change: Tool for teacher development and professional inquiry. Teacher Development: An International Journal of Teachers’ Professional Development. DOI: 10.1080/13664530.2020.1868561